Tag: AI
All the articles with the tag "AI".
How did I generate a song demo step by step using Suno.ai?
Updated: at 04:14 AMFree accounts have 50 credits per day, you can generate 5 times per day. Each time two versions are generated, each is about 2 minutes long. There is Auto Mode and Custom Mode. Lyrics should have at least two parts: Verse and Chorus. After generating a song, you can continue to generate from it. After generating the second song, you can get the whole song.
我是怎样一步步用 Suno.ai 生成歌曲 demo 的?
Updated: at 03:49 AM免费账户每天有50 credits,每次生成花费10 credits。每天可以生成5次。每次生成两段版本供选择,每段时长大约2分钟。有自动模式和自定义模式。自动模式简单,自定义模式可控。歌词起码要有主歌和副歌部分。生成一段歌曲后,可以继续生成。从第二段歌曲生成后,就可以得到整首歌。